
Shabbat Mevorchim Tehillim Club

  • Torah Classes Shabbat Mevorchim Tehillim

    The 6th Chabad Rebbe established the custom of reciting the whole Tehillim (which consists of 150 chapters) on every Shabbat that blesses the new month. During these trying times, we'd like to get the community involved in doing this custom together. Please fill in how many chapters you can commit to saying on Shabbat (may be said in English), so we can assign you with your chapters to complete the book TOGETHER! We will have in mind all those that need a speedy recovery and pray for a salvation from the current situation and of course, for the coming of Moshiach now!

    Tehillim Club members: 

    Albert Abergel

    Chaya Mushka Cohen

    Gaby Medvedovsky

    Annette Aspler

    Rabbi Shmuel Cohen

    Michael Mostoslavsky

    Nissim Barchechet

    Howard Deuitch

    Elad Moyal

    Jean Luc Berger

    Suzanna Engel

    David Nahon

    Michel Bitton

    Yoram Eadry

    Brenda Peters

    Benny Bouganim

    Nissim Elkouby

    Marotte Raskin

    Jack Bracken

    Alex Goldman

    Michel Rafael

    Abie Budman

    Catherine Grossman

    Ruth Rafael

    Jason Choinski

    Simon Heifetz

    Anissa Salama-Cohen

    Naomi Choinski

    Trevor Makad

      Saundra Schmetterer

    Fill in the form below and we will assign your chapters and send them to you as an attachment.  

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